The identification and quantification of the reduced abundant protein OPN in human being plasma was enabled by tandem MS in conjunction with immunoaffinity capture methods [33C35]

The identification and quantification of the reduced abundant protein OPN in human being plasma was enabled by tandem MS in conjunction with immunoaffinity capture methods [33C35]. 100 ng/mL digested rhOPN research sample. (A) Rating for recognition. (B) Identified human being OPN digests and their corresponding sequences.(PDF) pone.0213405.s005.pdf (93K) GUID:?B13A6A60-8521-45F8-8C31-3EFF36DB6C4D S2 Fig: Biotools Mascot identification outcomes for MS ions of trypsin digest Avasimibe (CI-1011) from 4 g/ml rhOPN reference samples. (A) ntrypsin: nrhOPN = 1:25. (B) ntrypsin: nrhOPN = 1:5(PDF) pone.0213405.s006.pdf (138K) GUID:?6935829E-C912-4D9B-935B-199D02FD1678 S3 Fig: MALDI-TOF MS of 200 ng/mL rhOPN trypsin digests with different molar ratio of trypsin to rhOPN. (A) ntrypsin: nrhOPN = 1:1. (B) ntrypsin: nrhOPN = 5:1(PDF) pone.0213405.s007.pdf (42K) GUID:?1E9C3EE7-5625-4C2A-B74A-231BDCF5E312 S4 Fig: MALDI-TOF MS of protein in various extraction fractions Avasimibe (CI-1011) using Protein A as affinity materials. Remaining: rhOPN (200 g/mL). Best: protein blend (BSA 40 mg/mL, IgG 10 mg/mL, rhOPN 200 g/mL).(PDF) pone.0213405.s008.pdf (156K) GUID:?FCE28760-2307-48E2-A54E-219BD89D3C36 S5 Fig: MALDI-MS of trypsin digests of plasma samples. (A) trypsin digests of Elution small fraction 3 from 1 mg/mL rhOPN in human being plasma test. (B) trypsin digests of genuine human being plasma. (C) Assessment of the primary maximum 1854.898 by superimposing range (A) and (B).(PDF) pone.0213405.s009.pdf (56K) GUID:?B1FEDD5E-8931-4211-A28B-694A0081869D S6 Rabbit Polyclonal to BRI3B Fig: Biotools Mascot identification outcomes for MS ions of trypsin digest of Elution fraction 3, extracted from rhOPN (100 g/mL) in human being plasma. (A) Rating for recognition. (B) Identified peptides and their corresponding sequences in human being OPN.(PDF) pone.0213405.s010.pdf (74K) GUID:?87E37E22-7D00-42B7-847B-934119F5CA12 S7 Fig: Biotools Mascot identification outcomes for MS/MS for the peak at m/z 1854.898 of trypsin break down from Elution fraction 3, extracted from rhOPN (100 g/mL) in human being plasma. (A) Rating for recognition. (B) Identified MS/MS fragments of maximum m/z 1854.898 and their corresponding sequences in human being OPN.(PDF) pone.0213405.s011.pdf (126K) GUID:?6EC07D4B-E295-415E-BDB5-C2144F0E7795 S8 Fig: MALDI-TOF MS of 100 g/mL rhOPN trypsin digests: (A) without dephosphorylation. (B) and (C) dephosphorylation before digestive function. (D) and (E) dephosphorylation after digestive function. (B) and (D) 0.25 unit phosphatase. (C) and (E) 1 device phosphatase.(PDF) pone.0213405.s012.pdf (52K) GUID:?C8A03A06-E58B-4E22-93A6-9BFB7CE45BCompact disc S9 Fig: MALDI-MS of trypsin digests from elution fractions with 20 g/ml rhOPN in human being plasma. (A) 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8 + 0.1 M NaCl, (B) 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8 + 0.2 M NaCl, (C) 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8 + 0.3 M NaCl, (D) 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8 + 0.4 M NaCl, (E) 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8 + 0.5 M NaCl.(PDF) pone.0213405.s013.pdf (44K) GUID:?01833521-ED54-4F96-87CD-85CC942B7A44 S10 Fig: MALDI-MS spectra for digested rhOPN, 20 g/ml added inside a human being plasma sample, elution fraction 3. (A) Binding buffer 10 mM NaH2PO4 pH 4. (B) Binding buffer 10 mM NaH2PO4 pH 8. (C) Binding buffer 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 4. (D) Binding buffer 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.(PDF) pone.0213405.s014.pdf (57K) GUID:?1046BE99-263B-4369-A1FD-BE4033C6670B S11 Fig: MALDI-MS spectra for digested Avasimibe (CI-1011) rhOPN, 1 g/ml added inside a human being plasma test, elution fraction 3. (A) Eluted by PB-Gly-NaCl pH 4.4. (B) Eluted by PB-Gly-NaCl pH 8.(PDF) pone.0213405.s015.pdf (40K) GUID:?3B2C7D93-E968-428D-BE4B-E56C8DDD58B6 S12 Fig: MALDI-TOF MS of Elution fraction 3 from 1C2 g/ml rhOPN in human being plasma. (A) 2 g/ml rhOPN, 0.5 g trypsin. (B) 1 g/ml rhOPN, 0.5 g trypsin. (C) 2 g/ml rhOPN, 0.25 g trypsin. (D) 1 g/ml rhOPN, 0.25 g trypsin.(PDF) pone.0213405.s016.pdf (51K) GUID:?68AF46AC-1E0C-47E1-905B-67CF14C18DD6 S13 Fig: Biotools Mascot identification results for MS/MS for the peak at m/z 1854.898 of trypsin break down from Elution fraction 3, extracted from plasma examples. (A) rhOPN (2 g/ml) in human being.